
People through generations of humans have been asking the same questions about Me. In fact some Christians devour books trying to get all the answers to the questions, some simply go to the Word of God or they come to Me direct.

What is that$%:

Come to Me direct$%:

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Yes that's right. People can and do speak to Me. Sometimes people call them prophets, but any person can speak to Me if they practice developing their ears.

I love mankind, but on modern Television in at least the country Australia where Matthew writes from I don't get much airplay. In the small hours of the morning there is free to air Television with Christian programs but who is up between 3am and 5am in the morning.

I want to save the world. I watched Christmas come and go and saw a lot of people celebrate Santa Claus and many Christians doing it just as well as the world. I see Easter and I see the Easter bunny come hopping out and I see Pagan celebrations overcoming the holidays of mine.

But I can not stop crying here in heaven for all the lost that don't know Me. It's the person that lost their wife who ran off with another man, that you know, it's that single women at work whose husband has gone to Jail for drugs related charges. It's the modern criminal who sits in jail neglected and not loved by the world that would willingly love to write each week to a stranger. I love them, and I love the biggest sinners the most sometimes. Jesus pointed out the tax collector who was in sorrow as he came to the temple and asked for My mercy knowing full well he was a sinner.

I cry for the sons of men who have never heard the one thing that makes sense. That there is a Father in heaven who is not cruel and who is not judgmental and harsh but who has PERFECT justice. A God that sees every bad thing and keeps score of the bad things people do until they confess them and ask for mercy. There are so many little girls whose fathers are heavily into pornography and alcohol who would like to know that I have seen what daddy has done. My son said it would better that a man not be born then to do something to make a little one to stumble.

I am a God of mercy. Some of the worst vilest sinners have fell prostrate in prison awaiting a death sentence asking for my Mercy that was granted to them. I took my wrath out on my Son. My Son's back was like the ground looks when a plough has been run through it. His back was in strips and he was hung naked on a cross in front of his own mother.

There has been many tears shed by Jesus and I at the lost state of the world but the prophets have prophesied these times. The more "modern" man has become, the more evil he has become. Now we have whole nations that are rich and whole nations that are poor and the third world is in slavery in their own countries.

I am a daddy that weeps for all the children of the world. A little Indian is born into a Hindu family and has not often a chance in his village to even hear of Jesus Christ and the Christian religion. How can he know my liberty if people aren't supporting the Indian Apostles and pastors and evangelists$%:

How does a Chinese Christian grow beyond a small knowledge of Me without owning his own Bible. At this moment 60 million Bibles are needed in China. Are you going to buy them one$%: How else will these churches grow and I be able to raise up enough pastors to preach my Word over there for the growth that I want$%:

Do I count in all your decisions$%:

I prove I love you with my creation and your every breath. I prove love exists as you are born into a family and into a world where love is known. But so few love Me like they could and so few obey Me like they could. It's so sad. There are so many people that are dying without even hearing the gospel.

Am I to cry all alone$%:

Do I cry alone for all the women who are being abused by their men in their homes. Or is it time that your church stepped in and helped her get out of a bad situation that you know she is in. Oh a violent man can be healed but whenever he controls the situation he does not often wish to be healed..

Do I suffer$%:

Oh My people. I suffer. I know every single thought a man has in his mind. I not only saw 9-11 thought out, I watched as it came into being. I watched the world make a big deal out of it and then watched men's hearts turn cold to Me again and go to war on terror.

I see the secret handshakes that allow pornography to be listed on the top search engines on the Internet. I see the Men that get an email from a sex site and who closes his office door and has some sad fantasy with a young girl he will never know. I see how this affects his wife and I see marriages breakdown because of those emails that arrive.

And as I speak in email terms let Me be funny with you.

If you think you have a big workload each day with 30 or 40 emails to deal with. You should see my email box, all the handwritten prayers that are on my system up here. Many of the ones you would call spam I actually answer as this is a person not of the Christian faith asking for help and sometimes making Me a promise. Have you ever prayed a "get me out of this God and I'll do such and such.."

Some of the prayers annoy Me though.

I see whole books become bestsellers on prayer.

What's wrong with the world$%: Why is everything in a book$%: The best selling book in the world sits on its shelf between Sundays and yet in that book I talk a little about prayer.

Why can't you just talk to Me$%:

What's wrong with having a chat$%:

What's wrong with. "Hi daddy," How are you today$%:"

Then listening for a thought like, "Fine good to hear from you today." I said "like" so that when I do answer you, you can be sure that I answered but not exactly in the words that were written.

Let me tell you something. A secret to knowing you are hearing from Me.

The first thing you'll think when I speak to you in a thought, is, "I am making this up"

You've never thought that before have you$%: All your life you've been thinking things up. Now the first thing I say to you in a clear sentence your claiming credit for that also$%:

Satan speaks to people through demons all the time. Many of your thoughts are not even your thoughts. Turn on the TV or listen to modern music then you'll know that many things come from the sick twisted evil one.

So forget about the stress.

Make a habit of speaking to Me. Converse with Me. Take time to spell out your thoughts and your thanks and the things on your mind. Know that I know your needs and your thoughts, indeed I am from the future and I already know what you are going to say, but be human with Me.

Would you sit down for coffee with a person and ramble on for half an hour and not let the other person to speak$%: Take the time to speak to Me and to ask a question or two and listen for an answer.

Remember the Word says that it only takes the tiny seed of faith to move a mountain. Matthew took the step years ago and now in the middle of the night I tell him to take dictation and type my words.

I can lead you by my Spirit. I can lead you by My Word. But I want a people that I can lead like Abraham. I want to challenge people and challenge pastors and direct people and lead people with clear spoken direction. I want to rise up the prophetic in the ordinary people. I desire more prophets on the face of the earth. I desire more of my children speaking to Me.

Just relax my people. And talk to me

I want your life. I want you to know my love and I want to speak to you. I am a loving God and a God that has rules and justice and Mercy. Please come to Me and help Me spread the word. If you don't share the Word or gospel with people get a good book on how to share your faith.

Send the third world Bibles in their won language and support my workers in the their world.

Try and pray for others more then for yourself. Pray for others and their needs and as I answer your prayers your faith will increase. Pray for the nations to be reached and take action yourself and buy some Bibles. Have a chat with Me and spend some hours with Me and open your hearts to Me and let Me speak to you.

Be blessed

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